Lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LBTI) people in Belize are subject to gross violations, discrimination, and stigma, though the situation, in recent times, has improved.
In August 2016, the Belize Supreme Court overturned Section 53 of the Criminal Code that criminalised same-sex conduct and acts. In 2019, the Court of Appeal denied the government’s appeal of the 2016 decriminalising ruling. While convictions under Section 53 were rare, the law carried a sentence of up to 10 years’ imprisonment.
LBTI people are protected from hate crimes, stigma, harassment under section 16(3) of the Constitution which prohibits discrimination on grounds of sex including sexual orientation.
However, there is no recognition of same-sex unions and marriages. Also, there is no legal framework for transgender or intersex rights in Belize.
The last State party report was submitted in 2005 and contained no LBTI specific information.
In the 39th Session, the CEDAW Committee did not provide any LBTI-focused recommendations to Belize. The List of Issues also does not contain LBTI-specific questions.