Over recent years, the UK and Cyprus have worked closely on LGBT+ issues, including in 2021 co-chairing the IDAHOT Forum and the 26th European Governmental LGBTI Focal Points Network (EFPN) Roundtable, and in February of this year signing an agreement on the protection and promotion of rights of LGBTI+ people in Europe and the Commonwealth, with a strong recognition of the role of civil society to this end. We hope this broader MOU further enhances the two countries’ work to uphold the human rights of LGBT+ people across the Commonwealth.
Jesse Sperling, Deputy Director of Kaleidoscope Trust, said:
“In our recently launched Policy Manifesto, we called on the Government to provide multi-lateral leadership on LGBT+ human rights. We know that agreements such as this one with Cyprus, which commit both parties to a progressive agenda and to working to uphold human rights, are vital tools in advancing this aim. We look forward to continuing to work with the UK Government and with partners in Cyprus to ensure that upholding LGBT+ human rights continues to be a central tenet of our countries’ collaboration in the Commonwealth and beyond.”