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About Kaleidoscope Trust

Kaleidoscope Trust is a UK-based charity dedicated to promoting the human rights of LGBTI+ people across the Commonwealth. Since 2011, we have worked with governments, activists, and civil society organisations to drive lasting change through advocacy and impactful programs. Our vision is a world where all LGBTI+ people are free, safe, and equal.

What Are Accelerator Grants?

The Accelerator Grants are a new and innovative targeted initiative under Kaleidoscope Trust’s S.U.R.G.E. Project aimed at strengthening LGBTI+ organisations and movements across the Commonwealth through capacity building and collective advocacy. This project is funded by the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office.

One of the critical gaps identified through our 2023 Learning and Development Needs Assessment (LDNA) of Commonwealth LGBTI+ civil society organisations and an observation we have made through our programmes is a disconnect between the offer of training to civil society organisations (understanding “training” as any form of knowledge or skills transfer/gain) and a lack of subsequent resources necessary to translate the newly acquired knowledge or skills into organisational practice. The underlying assumption seems to be that capacity building ends before the knowledge can be applied, which places an unnecessary burden on the recipient organisation to fundraise or mobilise new resources to consolidate and apply that knowledge/skill to their work in a meaningful way. This means that training rarely results in anything tangible and practical for participating organisations.

As such, these Accelerator Grants are conceptualised to close that gap and help LGBTI+ organisations become stronger, more effective and more resilient in the current challenging context by enabling them to “put into practice” the skills and knowledge they gained through their participation in our most recent cycle of Capacity Development Interventions (CDIs) in a way that sustains their own organisational goals and objectives.

How to Apply

    1. Please read the full Call for Proposals information pack here for all details and instructions on how to apply.
    2. Complete the following two document templates:
    3. Submit your completed proposal documents by email to programmes@kaleidoscopetrust.com with the subject line: “Proposal for Accelerator Grants – [Your Organisation’s Name]”.
    4. Deadline to apply: 17 February 2025 (12:00 AM GMT).

Support & Selection Process

  • Online Q&A Sessions: 6 & 11 February 2025 (details TBC)
  • Application deadline: 17 February 2025 (12:00 AM GMT)
  • Applicants informed: By 27 February 2025

For more information, read our Call for Proposals information pack or you may contact us at programmes@kaleidoscopetrust.com.