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There is growing support for lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and intersex(LBTI) people in Nauru in recent years. In 2016, Nauru decriminalised consensual same-sex conduct and acts, though same-sex marriages and unions are still not legal.

Intersex and transgender people do not have explicit legal recognition or protection in Nauru. Protection from employment discrimation is also not available for LBTI people.

In 2011, Nauru supported the UN Human Rights Council Joint Statement to end acts of violence based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity.

The last State party report was submitted in 2016 and contained no LBTI specific information.

The CEDAW Committee has not provided any SOGIESC-focused recommendations to Nauru yet. The Concluding Observations did not have any observations towards the situation of LBTI rights in Nauru. The List of Issues also does not contain LBTI-inclusive questions.

The CEDAW Committee provided a few general recommendations to all women under the Convention, which can be read to include LBTI constituencies. Firstly, it recommended that the State party decriminalise abortion in all cases and ensure women’s access to SRHR-based healthcare. Secondly, it recommended that Nauru increase its efforts to address trafficking in person and exploitation of “prostitution” and raise awareness on these issues. Thirdly, to make efforts so that women and girls have greater access to legal aid services. Lastly, to review all existing laws regarding marriage and family laws and remove all discriminatory provisions.